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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทำมือทำไม้ " คือ ...

Thai : ทำมือทำไม้ (thả mụ̄x thả mị̂)
Chinese : 手工制作的木头 (shǒugōng zhìzuò de mùtou)

English : gesture
     Simplified Chinese : [n].姿态;手势,手语;表示
     Traditional Chinese : [n].姿態;手勢,手語;表示

Example :: gesture

Chinese : 如果你有机会将日程安排在任何地方,作个象征性的支持姿态,停下来,到这些警察局去感谢一下这些消防队员,我们会对此非常赞赏。
English : And if anywhere along your schedule you have the opportunity, as a symbolic gesture of support, to stop in to those stations, thank those firefighters, we would greatly appreciate that.

Chinese : 我指着屏幕然后说类似“正如你这里所见......” 这样的话,这个手势和这句话只有一个问题:马克根本就是瞎的。
English : I pointed to the screen and said something like, “As you can see right here…” There was only one problem with that gesture and statement: Mark was totally blind.

Chinese : 那如果你此刻在你孩子的面前已经怒不可言,这时你发现你根本无法控制自己情绪也无法作出“停止”手势时,你该怎么办呢?
English : What if you are so angry at your child that you are ready to strike him and you cannot find the restraint to use your STOP gesture?

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