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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ฆ้อง " คือ ...

Thai : ฆ้อง (ḳĥxng)
Chinese : 锣 (luó)

English : gong
     Simplified Chinese : , bell 锣
     Traditional Chinese : , bell 鑼

Example :: gong

Chinese : 他鸣锣通报自己的到来,恭恭敬敬在门口鞠了三个躬,然后静静在师傅面前坐了下来,恭敬如仪。
English : He struck the gong to announce his presence, bowed respectfully three times outside the door, and went to sit before the master in respectful silence.

Chinese : 2005年,就在她将要毕业的时候,龚陷入了进退两难的抉择中,是继续经营这个网站呢还是去找一份工作。
English : In 2005, as she was about to graduate, Gong was in a dilemma whether to continue her website or seek work.

Chinese : 工告诉我,他没有其他办法,只能选择住在这里。
English : Gong told me that he had no choice but to live there.

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