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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การกำ " คือ ...

Thai : การกำ (kār kả)
Chinese : 抓住 (zhuā zhù)

English : grasping
     Simplified Chinese : adj. 抓的;握的;贪婪的
     Traditional Chinese : adj. 抓的;握的;貪婪的

Example :: grasping

Chinese : 耳廓是耳朵明显可见的一部分,非常适合用于抓住淘气的小男孩。
English : The pinna is the visible part of the ear, just right for grasping naughty boys by.

Chinese : 当她做出精妙的评论时我高兴极了;当她理解了深奥概念之后露出会心的微笑,我感受到了极大的快乐。
English : I'm pleased when she makes astute observations, and feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction when she smiles with understanding after grasping some profound concept.

Chinese : 他们很快的理解并同意了基于 RUP 的开发过程而没有花费我们太多的精力。
English : They were quickly grasping and approving a RUP-based process without much effort on our part.

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