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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สะโพก " คือ ...

Thai : สะโพก (s̄aphok)
Chinese : 臀部 (túnbù)

English : hip
     Simplified Chinese : ①人造股骨头 ②髋部

Example :: hip

Chinese : 星期一,在背部、臀部、膝盖和腹股沟的疼痛后,和他表现水平一样重要的是他的身体状况。
English : Just as important as his performance level ishis physical condition after he had aches and pains in back, hip, kneeand groin on Monday.

Chinese : 术后几年里,肿瘤都被有效地遏制住了,然而,之后却扩散到骨头、脊椎、肝脏、肺、肋骨、臀部和胸骨去了。
English : The treatments kept her cancer at bay for several years, but then it spread to her bones, spine, liver, lungs, ribs, hip and sternum.

Chinese : 研究证明,如果他们用宠物疗法,那些进行髋部和膝盖更换手术时就会少要一些止疼药。
English : The research found that patients who had undergone hip or knee replacement operations needed less painkillers if they used pet therapy.

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