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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ข้อน " คือ ...

Thai : ข้อน (k̄ĥxn)
Chinese : 鞭打 (biān dǎ)

English : hit
     Simplified Chinese : 寻到
     Traditional Chinese : 尋到

Example :: hit

Chinese : 他又喝了一杯威士忌,可这仍然没能令他鼓起勇气去打他的妻子。
English : He drank another glass of whisky, but that didn't support him to hit his wife.

Chinese : 在我想打他之前,他猛击了我一拳。
English : He hit out at me before I did.

Chinese : 后来,古尔说到,一名士兵来到他的面前并且抓住了他的手臂,看样子像是要殴打他。
English : Later, Gul said, one of the soldiers came up to him and raised his arm, as if to hit him.

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