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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " งานอดิเรก " คือ ...

Thai : งานอดิเรก (ngān xdirek)
Chinese : 爱好 (àihào)

English : hobby
     Simplified Chinese : , masterpiece 拿手好戏
     Traditional Chinese : , masterpiece 拿手好戲

Example :: hobby

Chinese : 你的爱好是什么?
English : What’s your hobby?

Chinese : 在生活给于的持久压力下我们都需要放松,发现一个爱好,活动或兴趣可以成为我们生活中的“救生圈”。
English : With the constant stresses life places on us, we all need a release. Finding a hobby, activity, or interest can be a life saver.

Chinese : 自从看了这部电影后,戈伯和他的妻子,就有了为他的或者朋友们的玩具在旅途中拍照片的爱好。
English : Since seeing the movie, Gerber and his wife have made something of a hobby taking photos of toys for himself and friends during his travels.

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