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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ซื่อ " คือ ...

Thai : ซื่อ (sụ̄̀x)
Chinese : 说实话 (shuō shíhuà)

English : honestly
     Simplified Chinese : ad. 真诚地;公正地
     Traditional Chinese : ad. 真誠地;公正地

Example :: honestly

Chinese : 他说,"我想很诚实地告诉所有希腊人,我们前方将面临巨大的考验."
English : I want to tell Greeks very honestly that we have a big trial ahead of us.

Chinese : 这些仅仅是三个安全问题而已。 老实说,这其中的任何一个问题就足以让新总统忙得团团转了。
English : "These are just the three security challenges, all of which, honestly, are more than enough to keep any president busy independently, " said Zeihan.

Chinese : “老实说”温格继续道,“关于这个夏天我可以写一本书。
English : "Honestly," the manager went on, "I could write a book about the summer.

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