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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หมาใน " คือ ...

Thai : หมาใน (h̄mānı)
Chinese : 狗在 (gǒu zài)

English : hyena
     Simplified Chinese : , hyaena 鬣狗
     Traditional Chinese : , hyaena 鬣狗

Example :: hyena

Chinese : 发出这种叫声的鬣狗似乎在说,它希望伙伴别闹了,让它单独呆一会儿。
English : The giggling hyena seems to besignaling that it wants its social partner to desist and leave it alone.

Chinese : “也许在它死后不久,土狼就咬掉了它的面部,”怀特说。
English : "Maybe a hyena chewed off the face soon after it died, " White said.

Chinese : 在雌性统治的鬣狗世界,雌性选择配偶,守卫领地,抚育幼兽,根据自己的意愿允许雄性停留,或者踢出去。
English : In the hyena world it is the female that rules, choosing her mate, guarding territory, rearing cubs and allowing the male to stay or kicking him out as she sees fit.

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