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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ประทับใจ " คือ ...

Thai : ประทับใจ (prathạbcı)
Chinese : 印 (yìn)

English : impress
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. 压印;铭刻;传递 [n].印记;特征;印象
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. 壓印;銘刻;傳遞 [n].印記;特征;印象

Example :: impress

Chinese : 岁月在他身上留下了印记。
English : Time has left its impress upon him.

Chinese : 比利·沙利文给我留下的印象是他是个很不错的人。
English : Billy Sullivan had impressed me as a fine man.

Chinese : 或许我是想用此来加深他对我早熟智慧的印象。
English : Perhaps I was trying to impress him with my precocious wisdom.

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