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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เป็นแถวเป็นแนว " คือ ...

Thai : เป็นแถวเป็นแนว (pĕn t̄hæw pĕn næw)
Chinese : 一排 (yī pái)

English : in a row
     Simplified Chinese : ⑴ 成一排 stand in a row ( 横地) 站成一排 Set the glasses in a row. 把酒杯排成一排 ⑵ 连续地 He won three games in a row. 他连续赢了三局 in rows 成数排,排列着

Example :: in a row

Chinese : 而到十一月份为止,欧洲委员会的消费者信心指数已经连续十五个月下滑。
English : The European Commission’s index of consumer confidence fell in November for the fifth month in a row.

Chinese : 由于通货膨胀率低于2%目标值的“显著”风险持续存在,今天的举措已经是连续第四个月的利率下调。
English : It decided to lower rates again today for the fourth month in a row as there remained a "significant" risk of undershooting its 2% inflation target.

Chinese : 事实上,除了那些极少被选中的爵士/布鲁斯大腕,音乐节从未连续两年邀请(同)一位音乐家,这也显示出人们所发现押尾桑潜力的水平。
English : The fact that the Festival has not invited an artist two years in a row except for very few selected jazz/blues giants also shows the level of the potential that people find in Oshio.

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