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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไม่เข้าท่า " คือ ...

Thai : ไม่เข้าท่า (mị̀ k̄hêāth̀ā)
Chinese : 没有意义 (méiyǒu yìyì)

English : inappropriate
     Simplified Chinese : [adj]. 不恰当的,不适宜的
     Traditional Chinese : [adj]. 不恰當的,不適宜的

Example :: inappropriate

Chinese : 这不但降低了孩子每天被动接受的含有性内容的不适当的媒体信息,而且给家庭作业、运动、交友和家务劳动留出了时间。
English : This not only reduces the dose of sexually inappropriate content a child gets daily, but leaves time for other things, like homework, sports, friends, and family.

Chinese : 对于现代人来说,在大多数情况下,当我们被杏仁核劫持时,由于我们的反应常常是不适当的,通常这便是不怎么健康的了。
English : For modern people, in most situations, this is not usually very healthy as our responses are often inappropriate when we are hijacked by the amygdala.

Chinese : 不适当和不合理的药物使用为耐药微生物的出现和传播形成了有利的条件。
English : Inappropriate and irrational use of medicines provides favourable conditions for resistant microorganisms to emerge and spread.

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