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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " พสกนิกร " คือ ...

Thai : พสกนิกร (phs̄knikr)
Chinese : 人口 (rénkǒu)

English : inhabitant
     Simplified Chinese : 栖居动物
     Traditional Chinese : 棲居動物

Example :: inhabitant

Chinese : 在虚拟现实中,外部世界和及其所有居民有效的停止了存在。
English : And in virtual reality, the outside world and all its inhabitant effectively ceases to exist.

Chinese : 地上的居民哪,恐惧,陷坑,网罗,都临近你。
English : Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

Chinese : 而当这样的激昂陈词结束后,他会迷惑地盯着他的半失业还离婚的女儿,仿佛她是什么被毁了前途的奇怪居民。
English : And when the set-piece tirade was over, he'd stare bewildered at his semi-employed, divorcing daughter as though she were some strange inhabitant of the ruined future.

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