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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การสืบสาน " คือ ...

Thai : การสืบสาน (kār s̄ụ̄bs̄ān)
Chinese : 继续 (jìxù)

English : inheritance
     Simplified Chinese : 遗传
     Traditional Chinese : 遺傳

Example :: inheritance

Chinese : 为了使设计的模式尽可能预防更多的错误,需要围绕着错误检查组织词汇表,有时候还要使用继承这样的高级特性。
English : Yet to design a schema that prevents as many errors as possible, you need to organize the vocabulary around the error checking, sometimes using advanced features such as inheritance.

Chinese : 一小笔遗产增加了他的收入。
English : His salary is augmented by a small inheritance.

Chinese : 一个人可能会声称他是通过继承或从他人处购买而拥有土地。
English : A man may claim that he owns land by inheritance or purchase from some other person.

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