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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แมง " คือ ...

Thai : แมง (mæng)
Chinese : 昆虫 (kūnchóng)

English : insect
     Simplified Chinese : 昆虫
     Traditional Chinese : 昆蟲

Example :: insect

Chinese : 这个昆虫的上唇和上颚都受了伤。
English : The upper lip and mandibles of the insect were injured.

Chinese : 带防晒露和驱虫剂了吗?
English : You have sunscreen and insect repellant?

Chinese : 迄今为止,已经针对农作物的耐除草剂、抗虫和抗病毒的特性以及采后品质进行了基因操作。
English : To date, crops have been engineered for herbicide tolerance, insect and virus resistance and post-harvest quality.

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