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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แสนรู้ " คือ ...

Thai : แสนรู้ (s̄ænrū̂)
Chinese : 光明 (guāngmíng)

English : intelligent
     Simplified Chinese : 理解力强的
     Traditional Chinese : 理解力強的

Example :: intelligent

Chinese : 最大胆的推断是,它甚至可能有一定程度的智力—因为最聪明的哺乳动物和鸟类一般都是群居性的。
English : Most speculatively, it might even imply a degree of intelligence—for the most intelligent mammals and birds are generally those that live in groups.

Chinese : 计算机一点都不聪明,反而实在非常愚蠢,实际上,这才是它的非凡价值之一——它的盲目的愚蠢。
English : The computer is not intelligent at all, but very stupid indeed, and that, in fact, is one of its great values — its blind stupidity.

Chinese : “新生儿可以被称为‘聪明’,在于他们能够几乎不费吹灰之力地学习世界上的任何语言。” 美国普渡大学的心理学家乔治﹒霍利奇如是说。
English : “Newborns can be said to be ‘intelligent’ in that they have the ability to almost effortlessly learn any of the world’s languages,” psychologist George Hollich of Purdue University said.

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