Thai : ขมวด (k̄hmwd) Chinese : 皱眉 (zhòuméi)
English : knot Simplified Chinese : 结,波节 Traditional Chinese : 結,波節
Example :: knot
Chinese : 但你不可能从失落的感觉中解脱出来,并且你的身体有这样情绪痛苦的死结。 English : But you can't get your mind off feeling upset, and your body has this knot of emotional pain.
Chinese : 在讲台上,身着巴塔哥尼亚帽衫的老师躺在修行台上,灰白的头发打成了一个结。 English : On the dais, the teacher lounged on his meditation bench in a weathered Patagonia hoodie, his gray hair tied in a knot.
Chinese : 然后我也认出了那身体,那头上打着令人感到陌生的结的头发,那脖颈,那宽阔的后背和有力的胳膊。 English : Then I also recognized the body, the head with the hair gathered in an unfamiliar knot, the neck, the broad back, and the strong arms.