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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แก่วิชา " คือ ...

Thai : แก่วิชา (kæ̀ wichā)
Chinese : 科目 (kēmù)

English : knowledgeable
     Simplified Chinese : 有见识的
     Traditional Chinese : 有見識的

Example :: knowledgeable

Chinese : 年轻的马克似乎比他同龄的人更有知识和经验&确切地说,他是一个年轻而有见识的人。
English : Young Mark seems very knowledgeable and experienced for his age& definitely an old head on young shoulders.

Chinese : 这些田野由受过高级训练和知识丰富的人照看。
English : These fields were tended to by highly trained and knowledgeable people.

Chinese : 并希望,你将有一个了解你的销售人员一边回答您的所有问题。
English : And hopefully, you will have a knowledgeable sales person by your side to answer all your questions.

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