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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ข้อพิพาทแรงงาน " คือ ...

Thai : ข้อพิพาทแรงงาน (k̄ĥx phiphāth rængngān)
Chinese : 劳工纠纷 (láogōng jiūfēn)

English : labor dispute

Example :: labor dispute

Chinese : 劳动争议仲裁与诉讼请求事项程序性冲突问题研究
English : Research on the Conflict about the Claims of Labor Dispute between Arbitration and Litigation

Chinese : 解决不成的,可向当地劳动争议仲裁委员会申诉。
English : Do not solve, can arbitrate to local labor dispute committee appeal.

Chinese : 若由此发生劳动争议,可以提请劳动争议处理机构予以处理。
English : If produce labor dispute from this, can submit to to work controversy processing orgnaization gives processing.

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