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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เมื่อคืน " คือ ...

Thai : เมื่อคืน (meụ̄̀x khụ̄n)
Chinese : 昨晚 (zuó wǎn)

English : last night
     Simplified Chinese : adv.昨晚
     Traditional Chinese : adv.昨晚

Example :: last night

Chinese : 昨天夜里位于拐角的那家银行被抢了。
English : The bank around the corner was knocked over last night.

Chinese : 别唤醒他, 他昨晚熬夜了。
English : Don't wake him up. He stayed up late last night.

Chinese : “我昨天夜里根本没有看见希刺克厉夫,”凯瑟琳回答。 开始痛哭起来:“你要是把他撵出大门,我就一定要跟他走。
English : I never saw Heathcliff last night, ' answered Catherine, beginning to sob bitterly: `and if you do turn him out of doors, I'll go with him.

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