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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทนาย " คือ ...

Thai : ทนาย (thnāy)
Chinese : 拥护 (yǒnghù)

English : lawyer

Example :: lawyer

Chinese : 因为我像我的律师一样,我相信起诉我的这起案件站不住脚,我认为我最终不会锒铛入狱。
English : For, like my lawyer, I believe that the case against me is thin; I do not think I will end up in jail.

Chinese : 我已经设法和他们的律师联系过多次,但每一次我给他打电话,他的秘书都说他在开会或不在办公室,要么就是出差了。
English : I have tried to contact their lawyer many times. But every time I call, his secretary says he’s in a meeting or out of the office or away on business.

Chinese : 把这些给你的律师让他快速浏览一遍。
English : Give these to your lawyer for a quick once-over.

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