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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ปูนสุก " คือ ...

Thai : ปูนสุก (pūns̄uk)
Chinese : 石灰 (shíhuī)

English : lime
     Simplified Chinese : 柠檬油
     Traditional Chinese : 檸檬油

Example :: lime

Chinese : 她教学生一些东西,像什么"石灰可以通过焚烧石灰石来获取。"
English : She taught her students something like lime could be obtained by burning limestone.

Chinese : 偶尔可以看到她的身影在窗口晃过,就像人们在撒石灰那天夜晚曾经见到过的那样,但却有整整六个月的时间,她没有出现在大街上。
English : Now and then we would see her at a window for a moment, as the men did that night when they sprinkled the lime, but for almost six months she did not appear on the streets.

Chinese : 他说:“这个创意不仅是让二氧化碳排放时钟停止,而且还要让它倒退回去。” 尽管他承认,目前向海洋中倾倒大量石灰还是非法的行为。
English : "This is an idea that can not only stop the clock on carbon dioxide, it can turn it back, " he said, although he conceded that tipping large quantities of lime into the sea would currently be illegal.

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