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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อื้ออึง " คือ ...

Thai : อื้ออึง (xụ̄̂xxụng)
Chinese : 哄然 (hōngrán)

English : loud
     Simplified Chinese : [adj]. 响亮的,大声的;喧闹的[adv]. 大声地
     Traditional Chinese : [adj]. 響亮的,大聲的;喧鬧的[adv]. 大聲地

Example :: loud

Chinese : 今天我看见有一块牌子上写着“小心洪水”,我不由得大声笑了出来,难以相信在这样酷热的阳光下会有洪水。
English : Today I saw a sign that said "subject to flooding" and I laughed out loud, finding it hard to imagine water in the relentless sunshine.

Chinese : 有些人更愿意自己思考,而另外一些人则需要大声的说出来才能明确他们的想法。
English : Some people prefer to think things through on their own whereas others need to talk out loud to clarify their ideas.

Chinese : 但是 如果问我是否相信外星人在某些或某个地方存在,我会大声地肯定: 是的 。
English : But ask me if I think aliens exist, somewhere, anywhere, and I answer with a loud and affirmative yes.

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