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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เห่ " คือ ...

Thai : เห่ (h̄è)
Chinese : 麻痹 (mábì)

English : lull
     Simplified Chinese : [vt].使安静;使缓和 [vi]. 变平静[n].暂息,间歇
     Traditional Chinese : [vt].使安靜;使緩和 [vi]. 變平靜[n].暫息,間歇

Example :: lull

Chinese : 现任总统当选之后,政治暴力进入了一段暂时的平静期。
English : There was a lull in political violence after the election of the current president.

Chinese : 我记得那些日子的阳光和温暖,有种静止了的感觉,似乎整个世界都在等待,屏住呼吸地等待。
English : I remember days of sunshine and of warmth, a sensation of lull, as if the world waited and held its breath.

Chinese : 我错误地相信了媒体的报道只是小事一桩。
English : I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter

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