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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " มะกะโรนี " คือ ...

Thai : มะกะโรนี (makaronī)
Chinese : 通心粉 (tōngxīnfěn)

English : macaroni
     Simplified Chinese : & cheese soup 通心乾酪汤
     Traditional Chinese : & cheese soup 通心乾酪湯

Example :: macaroni

Chinese : 另外一种对“鱼类食品”的褒奖理由是:如果你吃了鱼,那就意味着你可以少吃富含脂肪的牛排或者过量的通心粉,奶酪之类的东西,后三者全是糖尿病的高危食品。
English : Another upside to "fin food": If you're eating fish, that means you're not eating a fatty steak or an oversize plate of macaroni and cheese, both diabetes disasters.

Chinese : “我们的乐队名应该叫通心粉和奶酪!” 泰克斯说。
English : “We should call our band Macaroni and Cheese!” said Tex.

Chinese : “应该叫通心粉和三块奶酪。” 欧利说。
English : “It should be Macaroni and the Three Cheeses, ” said Ollie.

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