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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " นิตยสาร " คือ ...

Thai : นิตยสาร (nitys̄ār)
Chinese : 杂志 (zázhì)

English : magazine
     Simplified Chinese : ①杂志,期刊 ②箱,盒,办片匣,暗盒 ③软片盒

Example :: magazine

Chinese : 当你看到一些有趣的内容时-在任何时间-把它打印出来,或者把它从杂志上撕下来,插入文件夹内对应的区域里,然后忘了它。
English : When you see something interesting - at any time - simply print it out, or tear it from the magazine and slot it into the appropriate section of your folder. Then forget it.

Chinese : 杂志对他们的职业和文学都没有带来什么影响,之所以被记住,只不过是因为它与布可夫斯基有关。
English : The magazine made no impact whatsoever on their careers or literature, and is only remembered because of Bukowski's association with it.

Chinese : 他把手指向街对面的杂志摊。
English : He pointed across to his magazine stand.

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