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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " วานร " คือ ...

Thai : วานร (wānr)
Chinese : 猴子 (hóuzi)

English : monkey
     Simplified Chinese : [n].猴,猿
     Traditional Chinese : [n].猴,猿

Example :: monkey

Chinese : 那只猴子到处乱窜。
English : The monkey is beating up and down.

Chinese : 在这个情景下,之前仅仅在猴子能够得到的范围内发生的行为才激活的镜像神经元,完全停止了反应。
English : In this situation, the mirror neurons that responded before only to the observation of an action within the monkey’s reach completely stopped firing.

Chinese : 这项发现已经导致一些疟疾专家提出,如果在猴子和猿之间能发生转移,那么猴子到人的传染可能正在发生。
English : The finding has led some malaria experts to suggest that if transfer between monkeys and apes has occurred then monkey-to-human malaria transmission may already be happening.

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