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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ยุง " คือ ...

Thai : ยุง (yung)
Chinese : 蚊子 (wénzi)

English : mosquito
     Simplified Chinese : 蚊子
     Traditional Chinese : 蚊子

Example :: mosquito

Chinese : 未来蚊虫和蚊媒病监测和控制的研究方向和挑战;
English : Overview of future direction and challenge for surveillance and control of mosquito and mosquito-borne diseases;

Chinese : 蚊子咬得腿上直痒痒。
English : The mosquito bites on my legs itch terribly.

Chinese : 你被蚊子咬的地方还痒吗?
English : Are your mosquito bites still itching?

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