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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ภาพเคลื่อนไหว " คือ ...

Thai : ภาพเคลื่อนไหว (p̣hāph khelụ̄̀xnh̄ịw)
Chinese : 运动画面 (yùndòng huàmiàn)

English : motion
     Simplified Chinese : 运转,运动,机动
     Traditional Chinese : 運轉,運動,機動

Example :: motion

Chinese : 科学家们把各自研究的星团数据汇总到一台高性能的超级计算机上,并通过追踪每一颗恒星和黑洞的运动计算出它们如何演化。
English : The scientists assembled their own star clusters on a high-performance supercomputer, and then calculated how they would evolve by tracing the motion of each and every star and black hole within them.

Chinese : 想象一下台球的运动,一个球对另一个球的撞击。
English : Think about the motion of billiard balls, one billiard ball bashing into another.

Chinese : 她第一次独自一人去看那部电影时,她确信下面还有动作,只是一闪的动作,但还有。
English : The first time she saw the picture alone she was sure there was more action, only a flicking motion, but more.

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