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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แหล่ " คือ ...

Thai : แหล่ (h̄æl̀)
Chinese : 咏 (yǒng)

English : much
     Simplified Chinese : (more,most) [adj].很多的;大量的[n].许多,大量[adv]. 非常,很;…多,更…;差不多
     Traditional Chinese : (more,most) [adj].很多的;大量的[n].許多,大量[adv]. 非常,很;…多,更…;差不多

Example :: much

Chinese : 老师对我寄予很大希望。
English : The teacher expects much of me.

Chinese : 这一项目有许多困难。
English : This project involves much difficulty.

Chinese : 虽然她很有钱,可她还是渴望财富。
English : She hankered after wealth although she had much money.

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