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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " พูดงึมงำ " คือ ...

Thai : พูดงึมงำ (phūd ngụmngả)
Chinese : 咕哝 (gūnóng)

English : murmur
     Simplified Chinese : 杂音
     Traditional Chinese : 雜音

Example :: murmur

Chinese : 外部世界,院子里、花园里或者街道上休闲时光的世界,仅仅是病房中遥远的低语。
English : The outside world, the world of free time in the yard or the garden or on the street, is only a distant murmur in the sickroom.

Chinese : 随着人群中一部分又一部分的人瞥见了他的身影,欢呼声渐渐乎息为一种喃喃声。
English : The shout died into a murmur, as one portion of the crowd after another obtained a glimpse of him.

Chinese : “孩子的妈,不要娇惯他,”他冲着达林太太的背喊,“迈克尔,我在你那么大的时候,吃药一声也不哼,我只是说:‘谢谢你们,慈爱的父母亲,谢谢你们给我药吃,让我的病快点好。’”
English : "Mother, don't pamper him," he called after her."Michael, when I was your age I took medicine without a murmur.I said, `Thank you, kind parents, for giving me bottles to make we well.

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