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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ชนชาติ " คือ ...

Thai : ชนชาติ (chnchāti)
Chinese : 种族 (zhǒngzú)

English : nationality
     Simplified Chinese : [n].国籍;民族
     Traditional Chinese : [n].國籍;民族

Example :: nationality

Chinese : 你究竟是怎样只从外表就猜出了他的国籍、职业以及其他的一切?
English : How on earth did you guess his nationality,occupation and all those other things about him just from his appearance?

Chinese : 迈耶说:“我们与任何跟我们有相同目标的组织合作,不论其宗教信仰或国籍如何。 这是我们的一项原则。
English : “As a matter of principle, we collaborate with any organization, regardless of faith or nationality, that has the same goals as us,” Mehr said.

Chinese : 我们俩是同一国籍的人。
English : We were both of the same nationality.

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