Thai : นฤพาน (nvphān) Chinese : 救恩 (jiù ēn)
English : nirvana Simplified Chinese : 涅磐(佛) Traditional Chinese : 涅磐(佛)
Example :: nirvana
Chinese : 而摇滚和嘻哈乐迷们则表示更愿意“付诸于行动”,这当中涅槃乐队的粉丝最为开放大胆。 English : Rock and hip hop fans are more willing to "put out," so to speak, with Nirvana fans rating the highest.
Chinese : 当你不能想象生命中没有你爱人的情况,那么从心理上你已经到达了你爱人的"天堂"。 English : When you cannot imagine life without the one you love, you have reached the "nirvana" of your loving and committed relationship.
Chinese : 我想总有一天我们会到达”永久在线”的天堂, 但现在, 有Zimbra, Morfik, Mozilla, Google和其他一些公司在为我们开发支持离线访问的web应用, 还是一件非常好的事情. English : I suppose one day we will finally reach the 'always on' nirvana, but for now it's a good thing we have Zimbra, Morfik, Mozilla, Google and other companies producing offline desktop access to web apps.