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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ลบ " คือ ...

Thai : ลบ (lb)
Chinese : 删除 (shānchú)

English : obliterate
     Simplified Chinese : 涂去,删掉,擦去
     Traditional Chinese : 塗去,刪掉,擦去

Example :: obliterate

Chinese : 错误的,只图一时舒坦的抗压方式最明显的就是将自己沉溺于毒品或酒精,试图以次排除压力。
English : The obvious ways of fighting stress in the wrong, short-sighted way are to try to obliterate the stress by obliterating oneself with drugs or alcohol.

Chinese : 现在,英语作为当代世界的全球语言,已经有了大量的地域性变体——或许,作为英语协助抹灭那些单词的一种回报,越来越多的语言被灭绝了。
English : As the global language of the modern world, it now has lots of local variants—some recompense perhaps for the words it helps to obliterate as more and more languages become extinct.

Chinese : 在她竞选总统时,一度强硬的希拉里甚至威胁说如果伊朗对以色列发动核攻击就要“消除”伊朗。
English : During her presidential campaign, a strikingly hawkish Clinton even threatened to “obliterate” Iran if it launched a nuclear attack on Israel.

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