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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การทำยา " คือ ...

Thai : การทำยา (kār thả yā)
Chinese : 做药物 (zuò yàowù)

English : pharmacy
     Simplified Chinese : ①药学,药剂学 ②药房

Example :: pharmacy

Chinese : 挂号处护士会告诉你药房的位置,每隔六小时吃一次药,还有今天要躺在床上休息,知道吗?
English : The reception nurse will give you directions to the pharmacy. Take the medicine every six hours and stay in bed today, ok?

Chinese : 获得碳标签的另一早期产品是英国药房连锁博姿的香波。
English : Another of the early products to receive a carbon label was a shampoo sold by Boots, a British pharmacy chain.

Chinese : 药房在哪里?
English : Where is the pharmacy ?

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