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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ศิรา " คือ ...

Thai : ศิรา (ṣ̄irā)
Chinese : 管道 (guǎndào)

English : pipe
     Simplified Chinese : ①管,导管 ②管形物

Example :: pipe

Chinese : 他将铁管捡了起来,检查铁管的边缘,然后向上望向那条新安装的管道。
English : He picks it up, and inspects the edge, then looks upwards to the newly installed pipe.

Chinese : 进去后第一间房像是一个厨房,并有着非常老的炉灶设施就是那种通过地板天花板的黑色管子,这是它第一个象征,仿佛有一百来岁。
English : The first room looked like a kitchen, and it had one of those really old stoves, the kind that sits on the ground with a black pipe going through the ceiling.

Chinese : 描述符可以表示到设备、管道或套接字的连接,这些连接用于与另一个进程或普通文件进行通信。
English : Descriptors might represent a connection to a device, pipe, or a socket for communicating with another process or to a normal file.

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