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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ปราม " คือ ...

Thai : ปราม (prām)
Chinese : 劝阻 (quànzǔ)

English : prohibit
     Simplified Chinese : 禁止,阻止
     Traditional Chinese : 禁止,阻止

Example :: prohibit

Chinese : 本段目的不是禁止SR使用服务中所带的传信系统。
English : This paragraph is not intended to prohibit SR's use of the message system include in the Services.

Chinese : 有必要采取更严格的规定来禁止在所有的室内场所吸烟。
English : It is essential to adopt more stringent regulations to ban ( prohibit) smoking in all indoor places.

Chinese : 我告诉你不要去做,就是禁止你。
English : To tell you not to do it would be to prohibit you.

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