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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " คำสรรพนาม " คือ ...

Thai : คำสรรพนาม (khả s̄rrphnām)
Chinese : 代词 (dàicí)

English : pronoun
     Simplified Chinese : n. 代名词
     Traditional Chinese : n. 代名詞

Example :: pronoun

Chinese : 为了避免混乱和表达的不方便,我在本书中一直用“他”来描述交易者。
English : In an effort to avoid confusion and awkward phrasing, I have consistently used the pronoun “he” throughout this book in describing traders.

Chinese : 前置词支配宾格(的名词或代词)。
English : A preponderate governs (a noun or pronoun in) the objective case.

Chinese : 他建议,真正既全面又符合政治正确性的代词应是“她或他或它”。
English : He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “ s/h/it ”.

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