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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ฟ้องคดี " คือ ...

Thai : ฟ้องคดี (f̂xng khdī)
Chinese : 起诉 (qǐsù)

English : prosecute
     Simplified Chinese : 告发,检控,提起公诉
     Traditional Chinese : 告發,檢控,提起公訴

Example :: prosecute

Chinese : 受害者说她不会起诉。
English : The victim has said that she will not prosecute.

Chinese : 考虑到他的年龄,警方决定对他撤消起诉。
English : In view of his age, the police have decided not to prosecute.

Chinese : 他因两项刑事罪名受到起诉。
English : He is being prosecuted for two criminal offences.

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