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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " วิทยุ " คือ ...

Thai : วิทยุ (withyu)
Chinese : 收音机 (shōuyīnjī)

English : radio
     Simplified Chinese : ①无线电设备 ②射电的,射频的

Example :: radio

Chinese : 广播一直在报道她失踪了。
English : They've been saying on the radio she was missing.

Chinese : 他在扶手椅中坐下,打开了收音机。
English : He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio.

Chinese : 起飞几分钟后,飞行员用无线电报告说飞机内突然起火。
English : A few minutes after take-off, the pilot radioed that a fire had broken out.

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