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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความเป็นเหตุเป็นผล " คือ ...

Thai : ความเป็นเหตุเป็นผล (khwām pĕn h̄etu pĕn p̄hl)
Chinese : 理性 (lǐxìng)

English : reasonableness

Example :: reasonableness

Chinese : 并指出在评价时应充分考虑统计资料的可取性和评价方法的合理性。
English : It also points out that the availability of statistical data and reasonableness of estimate method should be taken account of.

Chinese : 两个标准均考虑“合情合理”的标准,可没人能够准确地作出界定。
English : Both tests really contemplate a standard of "reasonableness," which no one can define with precision.

Chinese : 通过对内墙涂料新老标准的对比,指出新标准的先进性和合理性,对环保标准也提出了自己的见解。
English : By comparison with the old standard for interior wall paint, The author pointed out the advance and reasonableness ot the new standard and gave his own view on environmental protection standard.

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