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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตอด " คือ ...

Thai : ตอด (txd)
Chinese : 轻咬 (qīng yǎo)

English : reproach
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. [n].责备,指责
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. [n].責備,指責

Example :: reproach

Chinese : 这与其说是责备,还不如说是句玩笑呢。
English : It was a jest rather than a reproach

Chinese : 她甚至没有责怪他违背诺言。
English : She had not even reproached him for breaking his promise.

Chinese : 我们开始自责起来,怪自己不够小心。
English : We begin to reproach ourselves for not having been more careful.

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