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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " โครงการวิจัย " คือ ...

Thai : โครงการวิจัย (khorngkār wicạy)
Chinese : 研究项目 (yánjiū xiàngmù)

English : research project

Example :: research project

Chinese : 不过,他最终还是选择了继续他的已经持续了30年的研究项目,这个项目最终的产物就是现在的C++(也是早期的“带类的C”)。
English : That he has instead chosen to continue working on the research project he began nearly 30 years ago is a tribute to his dedication to what is now C++ (and was originally “C with Classes”).

Chinese : 印度和南非将启动一项关于两国常见的艾滋病病毒毒株的基础科学与疫苗的联合研究项目。
English : India and South Africa will launch a joint research project on basic science and vaccines for HIV strains common to both countries.

Chinese : 虽然依旧还是一个研究项目,但对于F#的热情持续不减。
English : Though still officially just a research project, the excitement over F# continues unabated.

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