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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " คุมแค้น " คือ ...

Thai : คุมแค้น (khumkhæ̂n)
Chinese : 心怀怨恨 (xīnhuái yuànhèn)

English : resent
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]. 对…不满;怨恨
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]. 對…不滿;怨恨

Example :: resent

Chinese : 如果在一件事上花太多时间,你会开始厌恶它。
English : If you spend too much time on something, you may start to resent it.

Chinese : 许多年轻人对上星期布什和拉姆斯费尔德的言论颇为不满。
English : Many young people here resent Bush and Rumsfeld's comments last week.

Chinese : 你太太会不会气我跟你在这儿?
English : Would your wife resent my being with you here?

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