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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความปลอดภัย " คือ ...

Thai : ความปลอดภัย (khwām plxdp̣hạy)
Chinese : 安全 (ānquán)

English : safety
     Simplified Chinese : 安全性
     Traditional Chinese : 安全性

Example :: safety

Chinese : 我们为他的安全担忧。
English : We are anxious about [ for] his safety.

Chinese : 难民摸黑前进,试图转移到安全的地方。
English : The refugees were groping their way through the dark, trying to reach safety.

Chinese : 许多人仍然感到加入工会后会有强大的后盾。
English : Many people still feel there is safety in numbers when belonging to a union.

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