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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สาธุ " คือ ...

Thai : สาธุ (s̄āṭhu)
Chinese : 阿门 (āmén)

English : salute
     Simplified Chinese : [n].致敬,招呼,敬礼 [vt]., [vi].(向…)致敬;(向…)打招呼
     Traditional Chinese : [n].致敬,招呼,敬禮 [vt]., [vi].(向…)致敬;(向…)打招呼

Example :: salute

Chinese : 当罗斯船长驾船绕过山坡时,船头上举行了俄国皇家的标准仪式;当船经过时,那艘漂亮的小护卫舰的开响了皇家礼炮向沙皇致意。
English : As Captain Ross steered the barge around the Ups, the Russian Imperial standard was run up at the fore, and when the boat had passed by the guns of the handsome little frigate fired a royal salute.

Chinese : 我们向跪着的人致敬。
English : We salute the man who kneels.

Chinese : 当我们为肖恩.艾弗里对自己信念持有的勇气而致敬的时候,我们也许不该吃惊。
English : While we salute Sean Avery for having the courage of his convictions, we probably shouldn't be surprised.

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