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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แซนด์วิช " คือ ...

Thai : แซนด์วิช (sænd̒wich)
Chinese : 三明治 (sānmíngzhì)

English : sandwich
     Simplified Chinese : 夹层,夹心
     Traditional Chinese : 夾層,夾心

Example :: sandwich

Chinese : “我给你带来了三明治,你喜欢吃的那种,”爸爸说。
English : “I brought you a sandwich, the kind you like, ” the father said.

Chinese : 我多么希望自己能像其他人一样吃博洛尼亚三明治!
English : How I wished I could have a bologna sandwich like everyone else!

Chinese : 每一次我们禁止自己的某些行为----不论是憋着不去上厕所,还是午餐时本想吃火腿三明治却只点一份蔬菜沙拉------都会耗尽我们的克制能力。
English : Each time we deny ourselves something—whether going to the bathroom or choosing a salad for lunch, rather than the sausage sandwich we really wanted—we use up some of our reserves.

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