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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทัศนียภาพ " คือ ...

Thai : ทัศนียภาพ (thạṣ̄nīyp̣hāph)
Chinese : 风景 (fēngjǐng)

English : scenery
     Simplified Chinese : 布景
     Traditional Chinese : 布景

Example :: scenery

Chinese : 这个温泉胜地有三座豪华宾馆,四周是岭南景色,其泉水属于“氯化钠”泉,富含矿物质,浸浴可以调理身体机能,治疗多种疾病。
English : There are three luxury hotels in this hot-spring resort which is surrounded by Lingnan Scenery. The spring water consists of sodium and chloride and is rich in mineral.

Chinese : 那儿的风景简直漂亮极了。 我们俩又在狂热地恋爱。
English : The scenery there was fantastic and we were so much in love.

Chinese : 狭窄的公园是被93号高速公路划分为二个部分,在路上可以看到公园里很多壮观景色。
English : The narrow park is bisected by Hwy. 93, and much of its spectacular scenery can be viewed from the road.

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