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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หอมกรุ่น " คือ ...

Thai : หอมกรุ่น (h̄xm krùn)
Chinese : 芳香 (fāngxiāng)

English : scented
     Simplified Chinese : 有香气的
     Traditional Chinese : 有香氣的

Example :: scented

Chinese : 要记得现在这日子,什么东西都是有味道的,你有古龙水、洗衣液、柔顺剂、洗发水和除臭剂,你已经是个香味聚宝盆了。
English : Remember that just about everything is scented these days, so between your cologne, laundry detergent, fabric softener, hair product and deodorant, you're a cornucopia of fragrance.

Chinese : 一些香水精油不适合直接用在皮肤上,因为可能会产生刺激或者引起过敏反应。
English : Some scented oils are not suitable for direct application to the skin, possibly causing irritation or allergic reactions.

Chinese : 正如2008年美国与印度的核交易一样,中国此次也嗅出了美国在核不扩散上的双重标准。
English : As with America’s 2008 nuclear deal with India, China scented double standards.

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