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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทหารพราน " คือ ...

Thai : ทหารพราน (thh̄ār phrān)
Chinese : 侦察兵 (zhēnchá bīng)

English : scout
     Simplified Chinese : 校工
     Traditional Chinese : 校工

Example :: scout

Chinese : 登山使整个侦察连感到疲劳。
English : Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scout troop.

Chinese : 他是堪萨斯州威奇托市一位汽车配件经销商的儿子,做过雄鹰童子军,梦想成为医生——准备好在他父母的地下室里解剖老鼠和猫。
English : The son of a Wichita, Kansas, auto parts dealer, he was an Eagle Scout who dreamed of becoming a doctor—dissecting rats and cats in his parents' basement to get ready.

Chinese : 直到生命结束,我都将是一名童子军。” 他的回答很简单。
English : And I will be a scout to the end of my life," he says simply.

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