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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อย่างรุนแรง " คือ ...

Thai : อย่างรุนแรง (xỳāng runræng)
Chinese : 严重 (yánzhòng)

English : severely
     Simplified Chinese : ad. 严格地;激烈地;简朴地
     Traditional Chinese : ad. 嚴格地;激烈地;簡樸地

Example :: severely

Chinese : 近1/3的孩子体重严重偏轻。
English : Nearly a third of the children were severely underweight.

Chinese : 目前对严重精神病患者的护理安排不足以满足他们的需要。
English : The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs

Chinese : 长年的操劳严重地影响了他的健康。
English : The strain in a long term of years has told severely on his health.

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